Are all your IT, BUSINESS & MARKETING resources fully optimized ?
We build, guide, talk, solve, watch and optimize your company's needs
You win, we win
For over 15 years, we have been working with many companies in different industries. This experience showed us how to improve and optimize every single important piece of your company.
Companies are made of people and people use technology. We find the right combination of people and technology to boost results and achieve your goals.
Business logic
Caring for you and your Company
We help you with overall planning, product roadmap with productive efficient work, analytical and planning skills, business intel. and analytics operations engineering.
Our goal is to understand you and guide you to the next level.
Caring for your machines
Machines are essential to what business wants and how marketing performs. We help you build the necessary infrastructure in the most efficient, fast and optimized way.
We love machines and we understand them. So let's 0100011101001111 with them
Caring for your customers
We focus on your customers and monitor the competition. We love creating new ideas and we'll make your budget profitable and improve your ROI.
Set the strategy, plan the attack and execute!
If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.
Anthony Robbins
Helping clients with change-management activities, project managing, designing, testing, building and monitoring of new projects, and coaching CEOs to boost resources.
Providing training to improve staff motivation and skills, work practices, and nature of their business (under client’s system specifications).
Improving communications between departments for transparency, and creating automated processes and protocols for optimisation, saving costs and time.
Analysing IT requirements for clients and giving independent and objective advice, defining tech resources requirements, developing agreed solutions and implementing on planed timescales.
Optimizing high-level websites (>100K visits/day) to reduce costs and improve performance (speed, UX/UI, SEM/SEO ...) focusing in cost reduction, improving performance, security and tuning.
Monitoring protocols and services in all levels before, and creating fast automated recovery procolos. Urgent DBA/Sysadmin services.
Nothing is impossible. The word itself says "I'm possible"
Audrey Hepburn
Grupo Zeta
Online Newspapers
Speed up, Built HA architecture, MySQL optimization, Monitorization and fast fail recovery, SEO/SEM, Documentation and cost reduction
New generation software for merchants management
Complete pack of Business Logic, personal, hardware & software and final customers
IE Execed Program Finder
Find best courses matching development needs.
Web development, customer user experience and interface and social engagement.
Collect, Curate and Display high quality photos from customers.
Cloud architecture, security and tuning, web development, UX, UI, and business intelligence and innovation
Mobile App Game
Mobile development, e-mailing, UX/UI, Affiliation Strategy, Advertising, and Cloud architecture
Fresh flowers delivery e-commerce
Personal coaching, strategy and team building, PCI, Hardware and software complete architecture and development, SEO/SEM, A/B testing, UX, UI.
Official home appliance e-commerce
Web development and optimization, User Experience and Interface improvements, Documentation.
Web gaming
Hardware and software complete architecture and development, Marketing, social, UX and Interface.
No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.
Dead Poets Society
+34 600 336 336
Capitán Haya 1
28020 Madrid, España
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